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our history

Carry on that great tradition of the original Buffalo Soldiers

Our Roots


In late 1995, the President of the Knight Riders, AJ Hill, was asked by the President and Manager of the Buffalo Soldier Motorcycle Club of Maryland, Mr. Brian Bulow, if they would consider a name change and become a chapter of the Buffalo Soldiers. In March 1997, the Knight Riders became the Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club of Central VA.  Shortly after, approval was granted by Ken Thomas of the Buffalo Troopers Motorcycle Club of Chicago (Mother Chapter of our National Organization), Carl Laury of the Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club of Florida, and Brian Bulow. The name was then changed to Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club of Virginia.  It was established as the fourth motorcycle club to wear and ride with the official Chicago colors under the Chicago logo.

We are a predominately African American motorcycle organization. However, the members and chapters do not discriminate against race, religion, gender or ethnic origin. We welcome anyone who accepts and supports our values and mission. We also welcome all brands and styles of motorcycles. 


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In the Spring of 1983 AJ Hill, David Leonard and several other Army military soldiers including one civilian came together at a soldier's home in Petersburg, Virginia and decided to establish a local motorcycle club.  A few days later, the club was established and named The Knight Riders Motorcycle Club of Petersburg VA.  David Leonard was elected as President and AJ Hill was elected Vice President. In 1984 AJ Hill assumed the position of President of the club, and David Leonard then became the Vice President. 

The Knight Riders Motorcycle Club of Petersburg VA was incorporated and became a chartered organization in the state of Virginia in 1985.  Honor was established for the club's name around Fort Lee, VA and the Tri-Cities areas through great works, fellowship, providing support to the needy community, and caring for others. 

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